Saturday, April 16, 2011

phpmyadmin problems importing sql file - solution

When exporting a file from phpmyadmin, use the "gzipped" export.  This is a radio button towards the bottom of the page in the 'export' tab of phpmyadmin.

The gzip will compress the data allowing you to import it into phpmyadmin.

Wordpress Internal Server Error After Migration Launch On New Server

Delete the .htaccess file in the root. The .htaccess file will then be re-generated.

phpmyadmin synchronize mysql target database remote connect

You have to set access from your web host.  I use hostmonster. They have a control panel feature called "Remote MySQL" .  They provide the ip address for your website.

In the "synchronize" tab in phpmyadmin use the following info:

Remote Server:

Port:  3306


User Name: Your Phpmyadmin Login

Password:  Your Phpmyadmin Password

Database:  Your database name on remote server

Friday, April 15, 2011

Network Solutions Coupon Code

How to start a blog

User experience drives interest.

Update your website or blog consistently.

Choose the right Web content management solution. (CMS)

You can use a website blog like blogger or wordpress to post your content.

Or most web hosts allow you to install pre-configured CMS packages like Joomla, Drupal or Wordpress (cms).

Wordpress is the easiest to use of them all.  Joomla is the most powerful and flexible.

Here is a useful book if you want to build your blogging skill level or learn how to make money blogging:

Drupal Not Working with local server, phpmyadmin, connection, white page, css or images not loading

I originally came across this issue when i was trying to work with WAMP, a local phpmyadmin server allowing me to work with different websites including drupal on my computer instead of a web host.

I ran into some issues.  First the sql file did not load.  I changed settings in php.ini file which did not work.  Then i used this $cfg['UploadDir']  hack which put a drop down to the directory with the sql file in the "import" tab of the phpmyadmin.

The full  code was $cfg['UploadDir'] = "/demo"

This worked except one value in the sql file was too long and caused another error.

In the phpmyadmin import tab i entered the number 80 in the text box that says "0". This "skips" the starting rows where the long fields may be. This worked.

When trying to view the website i ran into connection problems which i had to fix at sites/default settings.php.  Remember, this was a drupal website.

In the settings i entered the correct database information and it worked.  Although i got a white screen  No content.  At first i though it was a connection issue but that wasn't the problem.  Long story short if you are using WAMP server for local web building, then you need to go to Apache > Modules and turn on the rewrite_module.   This is from the WAMP Apache settings you will see by clicking on the "w" icon in your task bar.

This kind of fixed the issue but i was getting errors and still could not see the full website.  But i could see the 'admin' section a little.

Long story short i tried a new installation of drupal and everything worked perfectly.  My existing drupal website was faulty and caused the issues.  Otherwise if i was building  a new website everything would have came out clean.

I have given up on trying to get this specific website to work on my local machine, although i learned an awesome new technique for building websites offline.  I will use wamp server and local hosting for probably all my life so this experience was kind of worth it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

PHP Tutorial: Installation , Basics and Advanced Website Building From Scratch

This is a good video with helpful information right from the start. As a developer, when i programmed with php i would upload my changes to the internet after every change. This video introduced XAMP, a software  tool allowing you to host your php websites locally saving LOTS of time.

He also introduces other cool techniques for building php websites which have really helped me get a great overall grasp of the programming language.  My projects get finished a lot faster now because of the new stuff i learned. Check it out, Let me know if you like it.