Friday, April 15, 2011

Drupal Not Working with local server, phpmyadmin, connection, white page, css or images not loading

I originally came across this issue when i was trying to work with WAMP, a local phpmyadmin server allowing me to work with different websites including drupal on my computer instead of a web host.

I ran into some issues.  First the sql file did not load.  I changed settings in php.ini file which did not work.  Then i used this $cfg['UploadDir']  hack which put a drop down to the directory with the sql file in the "import" tab of the phpmyadmin.

The full  code was $cfg['UploadDir'] = "/demo"

This worked except one value in the sql file was too long and caused another error.

In the phpmyadmin import tab i entered the number 80 in the text box that says "0". This "skips" the starting rows where the long fields may be. This worked.

When trying to view the website i ran into connection problems which i had to fix at sites/default settings.php.  Remember, this was a drupal website.

In the settings i entered the correct database information and it worked.  Although i got a white screen  No content.  At first i though it was a connection issue but that wasn't the problem.  Long story short if you are using WAMP server for local web building, then you need to go to Apache > Modules and turn on the rewrite_module.   This is from the WAMP Apache settings you will see by clicking on the "w" icon in your task bar.

This kind of fixed the issue but i was getting errors and still could not see the full website.  But i could see the 'admin' section a little.

Long story short i tried a new installation of drupal and everything worked perfectly.  My existing drupal website was faulty and caused the issues.  Otherwise if i was building  a new website everything would have came out clean.

I have given up on trying to get this specific website to work on my local machine, although i learned an awesome new technique for building websites offline.  I will use wamp server and local hosting for probably all my life so this experience was kind of worth it.

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